Edward J. Sullivan has been a professor at New York University for much of his professional career. He currently serves as Deputy Director and Helen Gould Sheppard Professor in the History of Art at the Institute of Fine Arts. His interests are broad and include arts and visual cultures of the Spanish and Portuguese world on both sides of the Atlantic and into the Pacific region (especially the Philippines). He has authored many books and articles on art in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba, and other countries, but his most significant interest in the cross-border and cross-cultural dialogue between art and intellectual worlds. He has also served as an independent curator for exhibitions of the arts of the Americas in museums in Latin America, Europe, and the U.S.
Chloë Courtney is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She studies the modern and contemporary art of the Americas, with particular interests in decolonial thinking, ecology, and craft theory. Her master’s thesis investigated the contentious history of water in the Valley of Mexico, focusing on the collaborative, research-based projects of artists Maria Thereza Alves, Carlos Huitzil, and Ehécatl Morales. She earned a dual BA in Art History and English Literature from Auburn University in 2015, and her MA in Art History from the University of New Mexico in 2018. In 2016, Chloë received a US Department of Education FLAS fellowship for Portuguese language study and recently served as the 2019-2020 McDermott Graduate Intern for Contemporary Art at the Dallas Museum of Art.
Joseph Shaikewitz is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Fine Arts, where they study twentieth-century art and its intersections with feminist, queer, and trans practices. Their dissertation, “Incongruent, Incomprehensible: Travesti-Trans Aesthetic Imaginings in Latin America, 1900–1960,” charts a visual history of gender-variant life and self-imagining in Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and Havana. Prior to joining the IFA, Joseph was a Curatorial Assistant for the Arts of the Americas and Europe at the Brooklyn Museum.
Shannah Rose is a Ph.D. student at New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts, where she is a recipient of the Robert Lehman Fellowship for Studies in the Fine Arts and the Robert Chambers Memorial Fellowship. She holds an MA in Art History and Latin American Studies from Tulane University (2019) and a BA in Art History and BFA in Printmaking from the University of Virginia (2016). She is also on track to complete an MA in Italian Literature at Middlebury College’s Language Schools. Her research focuses on the visual culture of late medieval and early modern Italy, Spain, and colonial Latin America, with a particular emphasis on the circulation of manuscripts, prints, and books. Her research has been funded by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies, and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura New York. Prior to beginning her graduate studies, Shannah taught English as a second language with the Académie de Toulouse in Cahors, France as part of a joint initiative by the French Ministry of Education and the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP).
Corey Loftus is a PhD student at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She studies Modern and Contemporary Art of the Americas with geographic interests in Cuba and Mexico. Corey’s work focuses on women artists engaging feminist, queer, and disability studies to question the constantly negotaiated experience of being in a body. Prior to her graduate studies at the Institute, Corey received her MA in the History of Art at Tufts University and BA at the University of Pennsylvania. Previously, she has also worked as a Curatorial Fellow at the Asheville Art Museum and in various roles at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston and the Institute for Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania.
Cristalina Parra is an MA candidate at the Institute of Fine Arts, where she studies twentieth-century art in the Southern Cone of the Americas with a special interest in textile work and concrete poetry. Her research focuses on Chilean artist Violeta Parra, arpilleras, and Surrealism. She is interested in charting connections between twentieth-century self-taught female artists working on textiles between Chile, Mexico City, Algeria, and Egypt. Prior to joining the IFA, Cristalina completed her BA in Art History at NYU Abu Dhabi.
Past Collaborators
Brian Bentley
Jason Drill
Francesca Ferrari
Martina Lentino
Alejandra López-Oliveros
Tatiana Marcel
Juan Gabriel Ramírez Bolívar
Madeline Murphy Turner